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Available CI/CD variables and configuration files

Available CI/CD variables

CI/CD variable Description
SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX Specify the Docker registry base address from which to download the analyzer.
DAST_API_DISABLED Set to 'true' or '1' to disable API security testing scanning.
DAST_API_DISABLED_FOR_DEFAULT_BRANCH Set to 'true' or '1' to disable API security testing scanning for only the default (production) branch.
DAST_API_VERSION Specify API security testing container version. Defaults to 3.
DAST_API_IMAGE_SUFFIX Specify a container image suffix. Defaults to none.
DAST_API_API_PORT Specify the communication port number used by API security testing engine. Defaults to 5500. Introduced in GitLab 15.5.
DAST_API_TARGET_URL Base URL of API testing target.
DAST_API_CONFIG API security testing configuration file. Defaults to .gitlab-dast-api.yml.
DAST_API_PROFILE Configuration profile to use during testing. Defaults to Quick.
DAST_API_EXCLUDE_PATHS Exclude API URL paths from testing.
DAST_API_EXCLUDE_URLS Exclude API URL from testing.
DAST_API_EXCLUDE_PARAMETER_ENV JSON string containing excluded parameters.
DAST_API_EXCLUDE_PARAMETER_FILE Path to a JSON file containing excluded parameters.
DAST_API_REQUEST_HEADERS A comma-separated (,) list of headers to include on each scan request. Consider using DAST_API_REQUEST_HEADERS_BASE64 when storing secret header values in a masked variable, which has character set restrictions.
DAST_API_REQUEST_HEADERS_BASE64 A comma-separated (,) list of headers to include on each scan request, Base64-encoded. Introduced in GitLab 15.6.
DAST_API_OPENAPI OpenAPI specification file or URL.
DAST_API_OPENAPI_RELAXED_VALIDATION Relax document validation. Default is disabled.
DAST_API_OPENAPI_ALL_MEDIA_TYPES Use all supported media types instead of one when generating requests. Causes test duration to be longer. Default is disabled.
DAST_API_OPENAPI_MEDIA_TYPES Colon (:) separated media types accepted for testing. Default is disabled.
DAST_API_HAR HTTP Archive (HAR) file.
DAST_API_GRAPHQL Path to GraphQL endpoint, for example /api/graphql. Introduced in GitLab 15.4.
DAST_API_GRAPHQL_SCHEMA A URL or filename for a GraphQL schema in JSON format. Introduced in GitLab 15.4.
DAST_API_POSTMAN_COLLECTION Postman Collection file.
DAST_API_POSTMAN_COLLECTION_VARIABLES Path to a JSON file to extract Postman variable values. The support for comma-separated (,) files was introduced in GitLab 15.1.
DAST_API_OVERRIDES_FILE Path to a JSON file containing overrides.
DAST_API_OVERRIDES_ENV JSON string containing headers to override.
DAST_API_OVERRIDES_CMD Overrides command.
DAST_API_OVERRIDES_CMD_VERBOSE When set to any value. It shows overrides command output as part of the job output.
DAST_API_PRE_SCRIPT Run user command or script before scan session starts.
DAST_API_POST_SCRIPT Run user command or script after scan session has finished.
DAST_API_OVERRIDES_INTERVAL How often to run overrides command in seconds. Defaults to 0 (once).
DAST_API_HTTP_USERNAME Username for HTTP authentication.
DAST_API_HTTP_PASSWORD Password for HTTP authentication. Consider using DAST_API_HTTP_PASSWORD_BASE64 instead.
DAST_API_HTTP_PASSWORD_BASE64 Password for HTTP authentication, base64-encoded. Introduced in GitLab 15.4.
DAST_API_SERVICE_START_TIMEOUT How long to wait for target API to become available in seconds. Default is 300 seconds.
DAST_API_TIMEOUT How long to wait for API responses in seconds. Default is 30 seconds.

Configuration files

To get you started quickly, GitLab provides the configuration file gitlab-dast-api-config.yml. This file has several testing profiles that perform various numbers of tests. The run time of each profile increases as the test numbers go up. To use a configuration file, add it to your repository's root as .gitlab/gitlab-dast-api-config.yml.


The following profiles are pre-defined in the default configuration file. Profiles can be added, removed, and modified by creating a custom configuration.


  • Application Information Check
  • Cleartext Authentication Check
  • JSON Hijacking Check
  • Sensitive Information Check
  • Session Cookie Check


  • Application Information Check
  • Cleartext Authentication Check
  • FrameworkDebugModeCheck
  • HTML Injection Check
  • Insecure Http Methods Check
  • JSON Hijacking Check
  • JSON Injection Check
  • Sensitive Information Check
  • Session Cookie Check
  • SQL Injection Check
  • Token Check
  • XML Injection Check


  • Application Information Check
  • Cleartext AuthenticationCheck
  • CORS Check
  • DNS Rebinding Check
  • Framework Debug Mode Check
  • HTML Injection Check
  • Insecure Http Methods Check
  • JSON Hijacking Check
  • JSON Injection Check
  • Open Redirect Check
  • Sensitive File Check
  • Sensitive Information Check
  • Session Cookie Check
  • SQL Injection Check
  • TLS Configuration Check
  • Token Check
  • XML Injection Check